Magician in the art of mixed-media

(ATLANTA :: 3 December 2010) Artists are renowned for digging deep and producing great work - in the case of Brenda Knosher, though, we now have a three-year streak of works that have produced pre-sale success for the betterment of Positive Impact.

”Watching, Dreaming, Waiting” by Brenda Knosher

Watching, Dreaming, Waiting” is the third in a line of pieces that have sold from the ARTvision site before our “go live” date - and it’s a terrific addition to Brenda’s other artistic meditations. The other pieces - “Birth”, “Potential Pierces Possibility”, and “Watching the Old Structures Crumble” - all make their own statement, and bring their own deep emotional nuance to viewers.

“My piece for ARTVision 2009 was about watching old structures fall,” she says. “This referred to that which needs to die within us, around us, and in our world - be it attitudes, or ways of thinking, feeling and being that are not working; or political, governmental, financial structures that are crumbling as we pursue a way to wake up and be together. I, along with many others, feel we are in a time of great change. While it is painful to watch what decays die, it is also at the same moment the initiation of new hope.

“This 2010 piece, ‘Watching, Dreaming, Waiting...’ is about the deep patience that it’s taking to be alive during this time of transformation,” she adds. “It invites the viewer to be here - present - and to dream a world into being in which it is safe to love. That starts with knowing we are loved enough to then be loving. Think about what that means! Watch, it is coming.”

This year, “Watching” attracted the attention of fellow ARTvision Artist
Delia Cochran before Delia knew it was an ARTvision piece. So, Brenda kept her pre-sale streak alive by sparking a donation/purchase from Delia prior to Dec. 1.

Her second piece, “This time conscious...”, brings color to the forefront as we as a people endeavor to be more loving.

“Blue is the color of my Spirituality,” she says. “It’s the color that floods me when I feel great happiness and joy, and the color that emanates from me when I feel sorrow and its sister - the depth of compassion.

”This time conscious...”

“When I was 17 years old, I was trying hard to know a lot about love - to find it, to get it, to be loved,” she adds. “It was a time of much Blue. Now, at 52, much has fallen into place and standing in love, and standing up for love means so much more as seeking love has evolved to giving love. So much of my work as a Psychotherapist now has to do with inviting people to awaken to loving themselves...from there it is so natural to love others and the earth. So much can change then.

“So, this time of exploring the Blue is conscious. Loving is one thing - a powerful thing. Loving consciously is a whole other land; I invite viewers into that land of Blue, consciously.”

For more, visit “Watching,” and “Conscious” - or visit her photo gallery