ARTvision Artist: Vibecke Dahle

(ATLANTA - 22 Nov. 2007) :: Vibecke Dahle is a superb houseguest.

And I should know -- I hosted her at my house in Atlanta for a few days after finding out from long
time gal pal Julia Murney (Broadway star of Wicked and Lennon) that Vibecke was stranded without a hotel room while touring with "White Christmas" at the Fabulous Fox. I didn't hesitate and offered her my guest room.

Over the ensuing five or six days, Vibecke and I realized we share a common love of photography -- how the shooter tells a story, frames a composition and serves as the senses for the viewer. The resulting product of our conversations is "
Dinner," a photograph that captures the plight of our nation's bees. Colony Collapse Disorder has caused all sorts of problems in crop pollentation throughout the United States -- leading scientists to search for a cure to the problem.

As they endeavor to find a solution, "
Dinner" serves as a wish for resolution to this critical link in our food chain.

Vibecke Dahle is currently
touring as assistant choreographer, swing and understudy with "White Christmas," a stage production based on music by Irvin Berlin. Vibecke plans to pursue more photography (as well as investing, choreography and many other activities) after the show concludes. - Will Pollock

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