Displaying Artist: Will pollock (ATLANTA :: 7 December 2012) As we gather tonight to move some art and raise some cash for Atlanta’s own Positive Impact, it occurred to me: December makes sense as a month of contemplation and desire to do some good works to commemorate the close of each year. What other reason is there for parties seemingly happening every day this month? ;)
But in the case of ARTvision, we started this event as a “movement” befitting the year’s ultimate culmination: the annual New Year’s Eve Gourmet Pizza Extravaganza. Even though ARTvision has now earned its own positive as a standalone event, it nevertheless maintains the spirit of closing the year with those aforementioned “good works” - where artists generously give of their talent so that we may support the great effort of PI.
We started this event small, with four artists. Today, we regularly showcase 20+ artists every year and have earned more than $40,000 for three different charities. I’m so proud of all of our artists, volunteers and, most of all, Positive Impact, for continually making our community a better place, and supporting those living with HIV in Atlanta with critical mental-health services.