Three local-Atlanta publications have given ARTvision some ink. They are:
- “ARTvision Values,” Fenuxe magazine (17 November 2011). Money quote: “Most recently we have used art therapy specifically for HIV and addiction recovery in our substance abuse treatment program. Creating art can be a very powerful form of therapy,” Michael Baker told the magazine.

- “Art Fans Raise Bucks for Positive Impact,” by ProjectQAtlanta. Money quote: “A few nips and a couple of tucks and Positive Impact’s charity event for art lovers, ARTVision, unfolded again to raise thousands for the HIV agency.”

- “World AIDS Day Strives to Raise Awareness,” GA Voice (24 November 2011). Money quote: “The fundraiser, previously held primarily online, moved to Dec. 1 for its first year as a standalone event. It features fine art for sale, entertainment, cocktails and food with 100 percent of proceeds going to Positive Impact.”
Past news about ARTvision Atlanta: