ARTvision Atlanta 2008
Online Benefit Featuring Art, Music & Photography

"artists reaching through" ~ Benefiting Positive Impact

Paying It Backwards & Forwards... aka "Java Love"

While we’re in the midst of raising money for a great cause, I thought we might take a break on Christmas Eve and remember what we’re up to with this project... and how even the most negative of situations can be turned into something positive.

This struck me as relevant to what ARTvision is about, and particularly what we try to focus on as we close 2008.

Take a look at the below story, but make sure to read
Arthur Rosenfeld’s piece in the Huffington Post before you do. It’s a truly remarkable feat of seeing through and above a negative everyday situation for... a greater truth.

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah. Happy

ARTvision In The News: David Magazine

(ATLANTA :: 17 Dec. 2008) My great thanks to Mike Fleming at David and SoVo for his thoughtful, elegant ARTvision coverage.

The bottom line for me is that
our artists should get all the credit - these pieces are a testament to their generosity and direct statement of care for Positive Impact and its mission.

Click here for Mike Fleming’s editorial, or go directly to the main ARTvision piece, “Will of the people.”

Betsy would be proud that we’re having such an impact on behalf of our beneficiary. Great thanks to Mike and, as always, to Michael Baker, who has connected us in ways we never thought possible. - WP